Controlfreaks Spring Blog Tour
Messages For Mom: Fabulous Friend

DOdesigner: Pixie's Thomas the Train Card

Today I'm featuring Pixie Elletson from my DOstamperSTARS group.  Her grandson LOVES trains and of course Pixie has "fed" this love!  What else is a grandma have to do?

She has brilliantly used Stampin' Up! paper and punches to create this one-of-a-kind handmade card of Thomas the Train.

Thomas The Train

How stinkin' cute is that?! 
Say - she has the directions! 
Go check out her blog,
The Pixinator

Speaking of trains & grandsons...I took this cute picture of my grandson Max this weekend.


See what else he's holding that goes everywhere with him...let me introduce you to Puppy!  Clever name, huh!

He's a got a few favorite stuffed animals, all with "clever" names.  Here's how the conversation goes

Umma (that's me):  Max, what's your dog's name?

Max:  Puppy

Umma:  Max, what's your cat's name?

Max:  Kitty

Umma:  Max, what's your seal's name?

Max:  Sammy, the seal (from the book)

Umma:  Max, what's your wolf's name?

Max:  Wolfie

Umma: Max, what's your tiny puppy's name

Max:  Pokey Little Puppy (from the book)

So, there you go!  You've met all 5 of his little stuffed friends.  If he could - he'd take all 5 of them with him everywhere he goes.  But for now - it's only Puppy, Kitty and Pokey Little Puppy.  Wolfie and Sammy stay at our house waiting for Max's visits!

Enjoy~Dawn O


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