I've been receiving inquiries about my Stampin' Up! Product Shares and yes, they are still open and going!! I'm thrilled that you are enjoying receiving these shares and will continue doing them along as there is interest.
I've had some requests for additional Stampin' Up! Ribbon Shares and will be adding new ones September 1st...Taffeta Ribbon, both 1/8" and 3/8". In addition - I'll be adding swatchbooks for the new Holiday Mini Designer Series Paper and MORE!!
If you would like something else - just let me know!
On to openings for my current Product Shares...
Designer Series Paper 6x6 Share or 3x6 Swatchbooks - there seems to be enough interest for me to do another Round of DSP shares. You do need to contact me directly to reserve a spot. I have room for 6 swatchbooks or three 6x6 shares. See details below.
In Color Ribbon Share - ONLY THREE SPOTS
1/2" STITCHED-POLY RIBBON SHARE: ($10.99 + $2 shipping if not a local pickup)
This share include 3 yards of each of the 1/2" Stitched-Poly ribbon in the FIVE brand new IN COLORS (Blushing Bride, Peach Parfait, Poppy Parade, Concord Crush, Pear Pizzazz)
NEW THIS YEAR...I'm offering
3x6 DESIGNER SERIES PAPER SWATCH BOOKS (186 sheets): ($21.99 + $5 shipping if not a local pickup)
(note: picture is from 2009/2010 DSP swatch books)
I've been doing these for years with my downline and they are a GREAT tool for workshops! Includes all of the paper as described in the above 6x6 share, but sized at 3x6 and divided as follows:
- Each DSP paper pack will be assembled (assembly provided) into it's own swatch book with a coordinated cardstock cover and labeled with the name, item number & price of the paper pack (along with the colors that coordinate with it).
How I use them for my businesss...I punch a hole in each pack and group them on a large binder ring, (2" rings not included). With so many swatchbooks, I recommend having two rings This makes it easy to add new swatchbooks (from the upcoming mini catalogs) or to remove one when you want to feature it at a workshop. LOVE THEM! Now you can get them too!
NOTE: As these are finished handmade items, I can offer them to Canadian customers. However, PLEASE contact me directly to get a shipping quote. Do NOT use the Buy Now option below. I will send you a Paypal Invoice when ready. Thank you!!
SOLD OUT - please read below
If you are interested in purchasing a swatchbook, I'm starting a waiting list to see if there is enough interest to do another round.
Update 8/22: You guys are lovin' the swatchbooks. I have been receiving waiting list reservations. We need at least 6 more to make a go of it.
Contact me to RESERVE A SWATCHBOOK NOW, (be sure to include your name and mailing address)
You'd have to spend well over $300 to get this variety of paper in full-sized packs. Now, you can get a sampling of all. Then decide with is your favorite to purchase full packs! This share includes 6x6 sheets of double-sided paper in the following assortments:
Specialty Designer Series Paper = 4 packs of 6 designs for a total of 24 (6x6) sheets. Most patterns are double-sided. Some have glossy or flocked designs which may only be single-sided and two will be a sample of die cut paper. Styles of paper include: Nursery, Vintage, Halloween and more!
Designer Series Paper = 12 packs of 6 designers for a total of 72 (6x6) sheets. Styles of paper include: Birthday, Garden, Vintage, Floral, Holiday, Elegant, Whimsical and more!
Patterns Designer Series Paper Stacks = 45 colors for a total 90 (6x6) sheets. The Paper Stacks are similar to the current level 1 hostess Patterns Pack but in the 12x12 size. There are two double sided sheets in four patterns in the following 5 collections: Brights, Subtles, Regals, Neutrals & In Color
Round 1 = filled and mailed 7/13
Round 2 = filled and mailed 7/16
Round 3 = filled and delivered 7/29
Round 4 = as of 8/22...There seems to be interest in doing another round. I have started a waiting list and need 3 more people to join us!!
Contact me to RESERVE A DSP SHARE NOW, (be sure to include your name and mailing address)